Xmas Bouquet

Winter Bouquet Collection

Seasonal special Gold Baby's Breath and Garden Rose are the highlighting elements of our Xmas bouquet, both luxury and eye catching!


#1 Candy Ball Pit : Consists of 6 cheerful colors like a ball pit. This design uses David Austin DARCEY cherry red garden roses, succulent plant,  pink ranunculus, orange spray roses,  eryngium and foliage.

#2 Gold Marshmallow : Pastel soft color bouquet is the best romantic gift of all - white hydrangea, David Austin PATIENCE cream garden roses, pink ranuculus, pink roses, miller and foliage.

#3 Festive Hydrangea : Hydrangeas available in white, pale pink, vivid pink, pale blue, blue. Highlight of by a ring of gold baby breath, this simple and festive bouquet will look so sparkling under day light.